MongoDB - Database Request
Database Installation Request Form
The form below is intended for clients who wish to request the installation of a database by our specialized team. It allows clients to specify their preferences regarding the type of database, version, region, implementation type, and instance type they desire.
Form Fields:
[x] MongoDB
[ ] Redis (Coming Soon)
[ ] PostgreSQL (Coming Soon)
[ ] MySQL (Coming Soon)
[ ] FerretDB (Coming Soon)
Description: This field allows clients to select the desired database for installation. Currently, we support MongoDB, with support for other databases (Redis, PostgreSQL, MySQL, FerretDB) planned for the near future.
MongoDB Version:
[ ] 4.0
[ ] 4.2
[ ] 4.4
[ ] 5.0
[ ] 6.0
[ ] 7.0
Description: This field allows clients to select the specific version of MongoDB they wish to install in their environment.
[ ] America ( us-east-1)
[ ] Europe ( eu-west-2)
[ ] Asia ( ap-southeast-2
Description: This field allows clients to specify the region where they want the database to be installed.
Implementation Type:
[ ] Replicaset
[ ] Standalone
Standalone: A single instance of MongoDB that operates independently.
ReplicaSet: A set of MongoDB instances that offers high availability and data replication.
Instance Type:
[ ] Small (4 GB RAM, 2 CPU, 40 GB Storage)
[ ] Medium (8 GB RAM, 4 CPU, 80 GB Storage)
[ ] Large (16 GB RAM, 8 CPU, 160 GB Storage)
Description: This field allows clients to select the size of the database instance based on their computing and storage resource needs.
Provider Migration:
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
Description: This field allows clients to indicate whether they require support in migrating from a different cloud service provider.
Source Provider (if yes):
[ ] AWS
[ ] Google Cloud
[ ] Microsoft Azure
[ ] Other: [___________]
Description: This field allows clients to specify the source cloud service provider they are migrating from, if they selected "Yes" in the provider migration option.
Contact Information:
This field requests the client's contact information so that we can reach out to them to discuss the installation details.
Privacy Policy:
We guarantee clients that their information will be treated confidentially and used only for communication purposes related to the database installation request.
This is the database installation request form that clients can fill out to request our specialized services. It offers an easy and convenient way for clients to express their preferences and needs regarding the database installation, ensuring a personalized and efficient experience.